Monday, February 25, 2008

Annalise at Gymnastics Class

Annalise has been taking gymnastics for a few weeks at our local rec center, and she loves it! Today was the last day of the session, so they allowed us parents to come into the gym and take pics and videos. It was fun to see them up close, and I was quite impressed with Annalise's balance and agility!

Annalise hung from the highest of the uneven bars and shimmied
her hands from one end to another as her teacher held her feet.

This is a video of Annalise hopping on a balance beam.

This is a video of Annalise walking on an elevated balance beam (it looks like her teacher is holding her, but she isn't).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa, that is some impressive balance for such a wee one. Aunt Michele and Uncle Jeff are going to have to save their pennies for travel to the 2020 Olympic Games starring AEO!