Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Tooth Fairy is Coming!

Annalise lost her first tooth tonight! It has been loose FOREVER, and the permanent tooth had already grown halfway in behind it, so it was time for it to come out. It took barely a tug and only a few minutes of crying due to the blood. I dug out my own tooth fairy pillow from my childhood to pass along to Annalise to use. Very exciting! After bath time I told Annalise to hurry up because the Tooth Fairy has to have all kids in bed by 8:30 or she won't put you on her schedule. I've never seen her get ready for bed so quickly (this was kind of genius on my part, if I do say so myself.)

Now, hopefully tonight won't be the first time the Tooth Fairy gets caught in the act. I'm kinda nervous about it!

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