Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More Annalise-isms

It is hard for me to remember all of the funny things Annalise has been saying lately because they've been clouded by a lot of sassy moments. (Please, Lord, let this be a passing phase!) In between her moments of attitude, she does still manage to crack us up. Here are our recent favorites:

Annalise is very into learning jokes right now. She tries to make up her own, and of course you can't really make up a joke. So, she makes up weird stories -- here is an example -- "There was a fan, and it had a face and a mouth, and it was walking down the street. It was on its way home. Then he got in the house and went pee-pee on the floor!" After cracking up, she very seriously asks, "Was that a story or a joke?" I can't seem to explain to her what a joke is, but clearly saying "It's a funny story" was the wrong thing to say.

The other day we were in the car and this is our conversation:
Annalise: "Mommy, how did you pick this car?"
Me: "Well, we wanted something safe with a nice seat in it for you."
Annalise: "Did it have a lot of pieces?"
Me: "Well, a car does have a lot of pieces but it was already put together when we bought it."
Annalise: "Did the lady have a really big bag?"
I had to think for a moment to figure out what she meant, and then I realized that she was picturing Ricky and me lugging our car to a checkout counter, like at Target or a grocery store, and the "lady" (the salesperson) putting it in a giant bag for us to carry! I said, "No, we got to drive it home, they didn't put it in a bag." Haha!

The other day I was at the mall with my mom and Annalise, and we were sitting by the fountain enjoying pretzel bites and an icee, Annalise's favorite treat. Suddenly, just steps away from us, men robbed a jewelry kiosk, smashing the glass counter to bits. People were yelling and running in all different directions for fear of the situation turning violent (which, thankfully, it didn't). It was definitely scary and my mom grabbed Annalise and ran into a store, leaving Annalise's food behind. Annalise was sobbing since it obviously scared her, but in between sobs she asked, "Did they take my icee?" It gave us a good laugh in a terrifying situation!

Annalise has been into making up songs lately. Sometimes when she's about to make one up, she'll say, "Hold on, I need to put licorice in my mouth." Then she kind of taps on her molars and then prepares to sing. NO clue where this came from. One day she said, "Hold on, I can't just make the song up. It has to be in my heart."

Annalise made a glittery gold Olympic medal at a little art studio the other day. At dinner she was modeling it for Ricky. She said, "Look, this is just my style." Ha!

The other day she said, "Mommy, have you seen Daddy juggle? It's amazing!"

And for Annalise's most sassy moment of the day (and maybe of all time) -- today she was naughty and she got a time out. She said, "Don't tell Daddy." I said, "Trust me, I am." She looked right at me and with all of the attitude of a 15-year-old girl, she said, "Trust me, you aren't." I just looked at her. Part of me wanted to laugh, and part of me wanted to smack her! I didn't do either one, but it compelled me to once again pray for patience. It wasn't the first time God heard that prayer from me today! My "mom friends," please tell me I'm not alone!


Sandy said...

LOVE the stories! Too cute.

And you are certainly NOT alone! Juli is 3 going on 15 too! LOL

LeeAnne said...

Girlfriend, you are most certainly NOT alone in the sassiness issue. By the way, Bobby advises to never pray for patience ... it's a sure-fire way to ensure God will place you in the path of every stupid person and frustrating child moment possible. ;-)

Candy said...

Love the stories! She must keep you on your toes! And how scary about the robbery...yikes.

Unfortunately, you aren't alone with the attitude and sassiness. Ugh, the stories I have from my 3 AND 7 year olds.

LeeAnne-I was laughing so hard at Bobby's comment! HA!