Monday, October 1, 2007

A Fun Day in Dahlonega

This weekend Annalise and I joined my parents (Annalise's "Nee and Papa") for a day in Dahlonega. Having gone to North Georgia College, I never miss a chance to go there because I love it so much. We had a great time!

Annalise loved the General Store, which, as I said to my dad, offers an amazing assortment of "crap" -- coonskin caps, asian table linens, trinkets of all shapes and sizes, metal Jack Daniels signs, coconuts carved into weird faces, etc . She loved buying marbles (or, as she calls them, "mar-balls"), watching the player piano,
rocking in the rocking chairs, and selecting candy. We browsed through different stores (mom & I spent way too long in a children's boutique), had lunch, played on the drill field at NGC, and finished the day with ice cream. The weather was absolutely perfect. I get so jealous every time I'm on the NGC campus. I see the students and I want to go back in time and take their place. I love looking around and remembering different moments from college, both good and bad.

On the way home, we were all exhausted. Or, all except for Annalise. She said, "Nee, wanna play hide and seek at my house?" My mom, wno was totally wiped out, kind of laughed and said, "Annalise how old do you think I am?" Annalise said, "Nee, you three." We cracked up and mom said, "How old is Papa?" Annalise said, "Papa not three, Papa's ooooooollldd" We all died laughing, of course. Poor Papa!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Great pictures! I always reminisce and think how nice it'd be to go back. You realize it when you go somewhere for lunch with the kiddos and it's ~12ish and you've been up for HOURS and some hippies roll in and look like they've just gotten up. Haha