Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Dream (FINALLY) Come True!

We'd all dreamed about this moment for over six years, and this weekend it finally came true. Our dear friends, Julie and Michael, finally became parents! They received a call on Thursday that they'd been selected by a birth mother, and they had a little baby girl waiting for them. The 10-day waiting period was up, and she was officially theirs! So, with the addition of "Avery Hope," they became a happy family of three. So, today the "BFF" had lunch at our house and Avery was the guest of honor. It was so exciting to meet her! We were like the paparazzi, flashing pictures from the moment they drove into the driveway until the moment they took her home. She is a stunningly beautiful baby, and so peaceful and alert. It was so amazing to see Julie and Michael with their daughter. I cry every time I think about it. I cried all over again this evening, when I went to the adoption website and saw "Placement" on their profile.

It is truly amazing how God works. I believe He meant for Julie & Michael to become Avery's parents. She was worth the wait, and we all fell in love with her instantly. What a beautiful, selfless gift Avery's birth mother gave to both Avery and to Julie and Michael. Wherever she is, I thank her for making my friends' dream come true.

The new family of three!

Avery Hope

The cake "before"

The cake after Annalise & Jordan got into it when nobody was looking

The "Class of 2025" babies!

Julie, Avery, Me, and Ryan

Julie, Michael, Ryan, and Avery

The "BFF" & babies (Jordan and Annalise were not up for pictures)


Candy said...

Congrats again to the new family of 3! What a wonderful story.

LeeAnne said...

What a beautiful story -- it's a great example of God's amazing grace, and your friends' amazing faith. Congratulations to them ... it looks like Avery is a really lucky little girl!

3LittleFlowers said...

Wow!!!! That is so exciting!! They look like a beautiful family, and I also believe that every adoptive parent is meant to be the parents of their child....