Monday, May 12, 2008

Really Good Giggles!

Just yesterday I was telling my mom that Ryan didn't seem to laugh much unless I tried really hard, tickling him all over and catching him in the right mood. He's smiley as can be, but he was really stingy with the laughs. In all honesty, it had me slightly worried.

Well, tonight was a different story!

I took him out of his doorway jumper and the poor guy was covered in drool and he had a leaky diaper. He was a sorry sight. I said, "Ryan, you need a bath!" and he just busted out with giggles. Not sure why that was funny, but who cares! He was giggling his heart out and so was I. I said it over and over (Annalise chimed in, too), and apparently it's quite a funny phrase to an infant. Hopefully he doesn't keep me waiting on another round of giggles because I want more, more, more!

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Candy said...

Oh my goodness! Mikayla came running over and was laughing right along with him! She kept laughing at him laughing and then would point and go "baaay-beee" Thanks for sharing that! Between his giggles and Mikayla's it really made my heart soar!

Michele said...

Hee!!! My non-mom theory is that little boys love to get dirty & messy and you telling him he needed a bath was AWESOME because it meant he had succeeded in filth! :)

So cute. Thanks for sharing.

Alicia said...

Oh, those baby laughs are so contagious! I love hearing Joshua giggle like that too. So precious!

3LittleFlowers said...

OMG!!! So precious!!! Love it, love it!!

Now, you want to find out the truth?? The next video should be of you saying it, and maybe we will all find it funnny too!! LMAO!!!!

In a more serious note, If you notice, he laughs when you say BATH, and he doesnt laught when your DD says it.

Sandy said...

SO stinkin' cute! Juli used to giggle like that every time I said Petroleum Jelly. One time I was changing her and I was like, "You need some vaseline, some Petroleum Jelly." and she started giggle. So I said it again and she started cracking up. We did this for days. It was hysterical!!

LeeAnne said...

How sweet!!!