Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wedding Bells for Annalise?

I just had to share this. Annalise has a little "boyfriend" named Nicholas. Even though they've only played together about five times, they immediately developed a mutual adoration for each other. Last night I had to bring his mom, Lisa, a sewing order, so Annalise went with me so she could play with Nicholas. They had a great time together, as usual.

When it was time to go, Annalise gave him a hug, and then she just sort of looked at him for a few seconds and quietly said, "Someday I'm gonna marry you." Nicholas didn't say much, but when she walked away, he yelled after her "I'm gonna marry you, too, Annalise!" And as I was saying goodbye to his dad, Lisa was walking Annalise to the front door and I heard Annalise say again, "Someday I'm gonna marry Nicholas." Lisa said, "Oh good, I'd like to have you for a daughter-in-law." cute!


Michele said...

How adorable! The scary thing is that her wedding day will be here before we all know it. Eek!

Nick is a handsome guy's name. I've never met an ugly one!

3LittleFlowers said...

OMG!! I laughed so hard that my DH asked me what was going on.... I wasnt expecting *his* answer and that cracked me up....

LeeAnne said...

How funny! At least Nicholas feels the same way. It would be sad if Annalise had to deal with unrequited love at such an early age. ;)

I've already arranged Maggie's marriage to my friend's DS. That is, assuming we don't send her to live at the convent with the nuns. No boys there! :)

Candy said...

Too cute! Alayna had a little boy she was going to marry, too, but now they're just going to hang out and stuff. Apparently now that they're 7 they're too old for marriage! LOL

Sandy said...

So cute! At least she is going to marry a boy. Juli wants to her cousin Katie! LOL This came about because we were telling that we were married because we love each other very much and wanted to spend our lives together. Right then and there she decided she was going to marry Katie. I guess it's good that she loves her so much! LOL