Friday, May 23, 2008

Some More Gymnastics Moments...

We've completed another session of gymnastics. It's so cute watching them learn the different elements. I told her teacher that we'd continue taking gymnastics until any real flipping begins because I don't think my nerves could take it. She said, "No, that's just when we kick you outta the gym!"

This is Annalise on the vault. So cute. I guess you've gotta start somewhere!

I didn't start recording this clip on time, but this is Annalise on the bars. I love the proud "ta-da!" at the end.

This is Annalise in the "pit," which she was very leary of only a few months ago.

And Ryan likes gymnastics, too!


Alicia said...

Rebekah loves that foam pit at our local gymnastics center. She used to hate it, but then once she started liking it she liked it a lot. Have you ever gotten in there? It's hard to get out!

3LittleFlowers said...

Awwwwww.. she's so cute!!! Camila loves gym!!